Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to make your marriage better in the first 2 years.

How do you make your marriage better in the fist 2 years of your marriage?Most newly married couples find this period of their relationship very difficult.This is not surprising since this a time of change and new beginnings.

Part of the problem at the beginning of most marriages is that most men mistakenly believe that since  they are
traditionally or conventionally the head of the family,every decision in the house belongs to them.You know that between two adults such an idea will not fly.Your wife is an adult and even if you are the captain of the ship of your marriage,you cannot just make decisions without discussing it with your wife.

It takes a while for most men to realize that the "head cannot turn without the neck".It requires team work for married life to be most effective.It is the failure to work together that leads to most problems and complaints especially during the first two years of marriage.

Most couples want to live happily and lovingly together,but make the mistake of thinking  that  simply because they  love each other or have had a strong emotional connection ,they will have wonderful and happy married life.

I am sorry to let you know that emotional connections are not enough.You have find a way to make adjustments in your relationship if you want it to work.

To make this period less quarrelsome and much more fun and loving,both husband and and wife need to do the following;

1, Stop the power struggle

This means neither the husband nor wife should try  to prove that they have more power in their relationship,Each person is equally important.

2, Try to support  each other.

This means a husband should respect and love his wife and not just try to order her about.On other hand a wife or married  woman should   be respectful  of husband and not spend  most of  her  time criticizing her husband or telling him off. Remember,what goes around comes around.

3,Keep your differences to yourself.

Do not spend the first few months of your  marriage  telling all your relatives how terrible your husband  or wife is. The problem with this approach is that when all those  stories you put out there eventually get back to either husband or wife,none of them will be happy.Such talk will not generate more love and understanding .Cut down on such stories and give your selves  a chance to mend and be happy.

 I could share more ways with you on how to make your  marriage even better,but  first,I want  you to put some of these few tips into action and give us  feed back .

Your comments are welcome.

Happy married life.

Friday, September 23, 2011

5 steps to help you control your feelings and make your relationship fun

If you have been in a relationship then you know that controlling your emotions is an important aspect of living in the moment.Do you live in the moment or in the future?Do you like to do  things right away or later?I had a friend who liked to do everything later.On his wedding day,he got so backed up on the things he had postponed doing,that he ended up getting to his wedding in the middle of his own mass.

His wife was so angry and disappointed   by his behavior that everybody predicted that their marriage would not last even 6months.Well ,surprise,surprise .....16 years later,they are still best of friends and still married.So how did Rita ,the bride in this story do it?

I asked her and she said she did it by using the following  5 steps to control her emotions;

1, Move on.

  Do not stay stuck to past or use all energy holding unto the past.On her wedding day ,she decided to move past the late arrival and concentrate on enjoying the moment.She did not even ask Jimmy her husband ,why he came late.

2, Forgive

Each her feelings or emotions were hurt,she let him know without becoming judgmental . She went a step further and forgive him ,without taking every future opportunity of his mistakes to remind him of his errors.

3 Praying

They always found a way to pray together as a family,even on the days they  were really mad at each other.  They said it helped to remind them of their mortality and the need to be truthful to each other ,especially their to treat each other with dignity.

4 Work as  Team

They always found a way to remind each other of their anniversaries without trying to see if one person would forget.She saw herself as a team with her husband and made him come to appreciate more that in some situations they had put their differences aside and work as a team.

5 Find time to play as a family.

It does not have to be fancy,it can  be something as simple as going to the city park with the whole
family on Sundays.You can bring water,  fruits and vegetables as something to snack for the whole  family while everybody  ,relaxes and plays.

Rita said doing these steps as frequently as she could ,eventually led them to become even better friends then they anticipated. She said it helped her to make her relationship fun.

If your need additional tips on how to make your  marriage or relationship  emotionally more balanced and fun click here

Tips on How To Better Manage Your Emotions For More Enjoyable Relationships

by John Adams

Without knowing it ,we end up defining our relationships by how we feel.Yet in a given day we can go through a range of emotions from happiness to sadness.from anger to joy.How can we better manage our emotions so that our relationships will be more enjoyable?

Our emotions or feelings help us to relate to ourselves and to others.This is why any change in our emotional well being can have a very serious impact in our relationships.It can very easily lead to fights and physical abuse.This is why we need to find and learn new ways to manage our emotions.

Just because your emotions feel right does not mean you have a right to scream at others.Be honest with your feelings but make sure you also tell your lover or friend how he or she makes you feel.Most of us cannot read minds.We all need both positive and negative feedback.

People are surprised when they have emotional problems in their relationships.This is because most people think that because they have married someone they deeply love,everything would be wonderful.This is a false belief.Every relationship has its beautiful moments and challenging moments.This is why it is important to make your expectations realistic.We have to learn to be patient with ourselves and others.

Magical thoughts will not suddenly make our relationships great.What will help us is finding our emotional balance.We can only maintain our emotional balance by making use of some important factors.Treat your lover or friend with respect.Respect their humanity.Remember that we do not even treat ourselves fairly,so we should not too shocked to discover that we get treated unfairly.Go with the flow.

If you treat your wife or husband with respect .you would be surprised how quickly things can warm in your relationship.If you give niceness you will get niceness back.This is not the time to tell your loved one that their feelings are wrong.Believe nobody likes to hear that and no matter correct you think you are,do not do that.Treat every feeling as significant and your relationships will begin to get better.

The important emotional balance approach is to understand the types of events that lead to emotional break downs and take steps to overcome them. Most disruptions in emotion usually start with a rise in emotional tension. Once this tension has been recognized, you need to deflect this tension build up through better communication. Sometimes this may entail changing the subject or simply keeping quiet. These steps can help you mend your marriage or relationship

One of the best ways to use emotional balance to help your relationship is to lose fights. By 'fight', I mean a quarrel between two lovers. Let your lover win that fight. Relationships are not the same as mathematics. Sometimes you win by losing. You may be surprised how simply saying "you are right "may help reduce tension and restore the emotional balance in your relationships.

Whatever tip you eventually decide to use to manage your emotions ,remember that  even your best efforts and intentions may lead to failure at the beginning. Do not be discouraged because if you do not give up, you will eventually  find yourself enjoying your relationship even more.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Still Want Him To Really like Me Once again

I still Want Him To Really like Me Once again

"I still want him to enjoy me again" is expressed by numerous ladies in a lot of ways like in their languages, environments and actions. Some married uncover themselves saying those precise words to close buddies or family members when they are not feeling the intimacy that was once an everyday portion of their marriage.

Some females have already been on the poor side of a breakup or divorce and desire absolutely nothing much more than the return of their man and his joy. And some ladies had been the instigators with the broken relationship, citing the loss of closeness as a reason or possibly rethinking their choice and hoping to return towards the way love had been. Whatever the circumstance, the sentiment is heartfelt but the solutions are not usually effortless or clear cut.

If you are attempting to win back your guy, One factor you'll want to comprehend is what males are after in a relationship and no matter whether or not this was missing in yours. So, what are the points that males want? Above all, males crave admiration. So you should let him know that he's wanted and admired.

Whilst it may possibly be obvious for you, it most likely will not be as significantly so or sufficient to him, so when in doubt, go overboard with flirtation and affection. Did you get comfy inside the relationship and have a tendency to dress casually a lot of the time and forget about make-up and sexy clothes? Or even worse, did you dress up for function but remain in sweats and tennis shoes at home? Dress to arouse feelings not just to function.

Did your boyfriend or husband leave you for an differnt woman? Most ladies mistakenly feel their man has located a much better looking adult female. That is not generally the case. In reality, when men wind up meeting the "other" girls or women, the common reaction is always . ."what does he see in her"? It is most most likely not just what he sees in her but what he feels in her. She makes him really feel respected, admired and wanted once more.

Are you currently nonetheless within your relationship and consistently becoming accused of getting a nag by your partner? This is not anything new, correct? You will frequently hear males complain about becoming “nagged to death.”

What they are truly saying is that they want their wife or girlfriend to be satisfied with who he is and what great qualities he has to offer you. Comprehend that the nagging is not the genuine dilemma - it is the truth which you are conveying that you are unsatisfied with who he is and what he has to offer you. That is what genuinely gets to a man and drives him out of a relationship.

Do not take this to mean that you really need to be lovey-dovey all of the time and can by no means express your accurate feelings, anger or sadness. But whenever you are proud of your man, be sure he knows it! Do not just show the negative feelings that come up and take his admiration for granted. Keeping this in mind will maintain the fire of his love for you alive.

This details ought to enable you to have the mindset of "I still want him to really like me once more."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Unseen Factors that affects relationships between men and women.

One of the unseen factors that affects the relationship between men and women is perception or how they see things.We both see the same thing but we interpret them in our own different ways.Though the misunderstanding could be little if not handled with care,it could lead to break up in your relationships.

You are often thinking "How can I get my spouse to enjoy me once again after potential break up fights . ." After which you most likely push the thought away due to the fact it appears impossible. The excellent news is which you can get your spouse or friend back inside your arms. It has been accomplished before ,though infrequently.

Males and girls get out of relationships for different and sometimes unseen factors, several of these reasons are not understood by the opposite sex since men's and women's brains are wired differently. This makes making relationships better much more confusing. Some scenarios appear to be quite straight-forward but most are not.

Why do males leave relationships? It is quite straightforward, genuinely. They leave when they are not obtaining what they want. And I am certain that women leave for similar reasons.We all want admiration and respect. This means that if men or women can get admiration and respect from their relationship ,they will try their best to make it better, If they do not ,they try to leave. The most typical factors males give for leaving their wife or girlfriend is “No matter what I did, I couldn’t make her pleased!” Women also give similar explanations.

Why do girls leave relationships? They leave simply because they really feel unappreciated and/or they leave due to the fact they're bored. What do you generally hear from unhappy females? “He does not appreciate a factor I do!”Again,it is all about intangible factors.

Now, you may believe that your relationship is different and that such factors do not fit into the issues you are dealing with. You might be thinking, "my husband changed after I cheated on him." But why did he cheat on you in the very first place? It possibly has something to do with the reality of unseen factors which can lead to failing to find the attention and appreciation  regularly in the relationship.

This means your marriage was unfit.How to get your marriage fit The first step may be to admit that you problems and there is room for improvement.

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to put the spark back in your relationship

Many people are looking for something special to try and bring the spark back into their relationship. Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.Nobody likes to be taken for granted.

Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they used to in the past. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.The spark is gone.

It is during phase that people find themselves more interested in their work than their home.They make every excuse ,not to be at home.they volunteer for every extra assignment in the office and stay late for as long as they possibly can.This is because their relationship at home has become stale.

Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.

Often the first way many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained. On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.

There are plenty of ways you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships.Ask questions to help you understand your relationships better Here are some relationship spark ideas you can try to help you get relationship back on the romantic tract.

1. Appreciation

When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them .If you are married to a self righteous partner ,they see it as telling the "truth".

Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.

It's important to try and find things in your partner that you like. You might appreciate or like their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.Find those things and share your thoughts with your partner,it will help bring back the spark.

2. Awareness

Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner.Live in the moment. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.

What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?

Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.

3. Communicate and share

Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.

It's important to share with your partner , your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. One way to do this is through questions Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.Sadly ,most communications in relationships is all about letting the other person know how wrong they are!

Returning the spark to your relationship is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship will become better.

Like most good things in life,getting the spark back in your life will take time.Rome was nor built in a day.However,even if you just put one these ideas into practice in your relationship, you will be rewarded with a more enjoyable sparkling relationship.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How poor emotional control can affect your relationship

Poor emotional control can affect your relationship in many different ways.This is because without emotional balance it is difficult to have a harmonious relationship.Related problems would include physical and verbal abuse.

If you are in a relationship with a man with poor emotional control,you are in for a rough ride.This is because a man with poor emotional control can very easily become violent.One of the signs of poor emotional control is frequent quarrels and fights over the simplest things like watching TV and doing the dishes.

This is especially the case if the man feels that being addressed as the head of the family means he has to be in control of every decision that is made in the family.Nobody can have that kind of control over another human being especially your wife without leading to serious emotional friction.

Such an attitude would lead to lack of exchange of ideas and thoughts when decisions are made.Unfortunately this kind of attitude can be compounded by the abuse of cultural and religious precepts. This may lead to women being shut down and any attempt to speak their mind being curtailed in the name of culture and religion.

This will invariably lead to internal frustrations which when not addressed between husband and wife can lead to very serious conflicts.

To deal with poor emotional control and its related problems every relationship should have a communications day ,when questions with regards to motives behind actions are freely asked.

Monday, May 9, 2011

How to love an imperfect man

If you are in a long term relationship ,you would have noticed that your spouse is not prince charming every day.This is something we see every day through the events we hear on the news or read in the newspapers or online.How can you then love an imperfect man?

The first step towards loving your man despite his imperfections is to remember that much as you may think your are great or wonderful, it is important to remember that we all have our flaws.This is not an excuse for obnoxious behavior from some like emotional and physical abuse.

The kind of imperfections I am taking about include things like being late for appointments,dates or shows .This is annoying but one easy way to deal with this is to be creative with your dates and time.If for example you need to be at a show at 2 O'clock tell your chronically late husband that they time for the show is 1 O'clock.By the time he bungles his way getting at around 1.40 pm ,you will still have 20 mins to make on time instead of being 30 mins late as would have happened in the past.

The other way to deal with imperfections is to fight fair.If a bad behavior annoys you,state it.Do not pretend it did not happen,however do not spend the next 40 minutes telling your husband all the things he had failed to do right since you married him 15 years ago.

You may feel good having told off your husband but he is not going to feel good about you or the fight you have just had.It isn't really fair to bring all the past errors into the moment.Stick to what is not going right this point in time and your husband will more than willing to be apologetic

This will give you a small victory; you can always build on for the future.I wish I could tell you this will end all future misunderstandings; or quarrels ,but it won't.This will only give; you an insight into what will work for both of you in the future.

The final jigsaw in the puzzle of loving your imperfect man is forgiveness.Forgive him his errors so that he can grow into the loving man you married,who can also forgive you in the future.Remember ,what goes around comes around.

If you and your imperfect man are at the point of not making up,read the magic of making up to find the ways to make up.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Proven Plan To Win Back An Ex

Do you have a proven plan to get your ex back once you've been dumped by an ex that you're still in love with? Thus your main goal is usually to find some way to win back an ex who has broken your heart. What is usually the case though is that most people don't have a clue where to start and they either rush around sending expensive gifts or making a ton of phone calls – all of which only serve to push their exs further away.

Your opening move to win back an ex, should  be no move.Do not rush to see you ex without having a plan.It is always a good idea  to approach the mission of getting  your ex back in a calm and relaxed manner.  Do nothing that is going to make you appear as desperate and needy because again, your ex will only find it a turn off.

To get yourself in a calm and rational place, you need to take some time out from the heat and drama of the breakup.  Too often people don't take this time out and instead just panic and believe they have to win back an ex by going straight in hard from day one.

As you take this time, concentrate on the things that are going to make you feel good about yourself and what you need to keep your spirits up. It may even be helpful to make a list of the things that you enjoy doing.So make sure that you're not spending too much time on your own and that you're instead out with friends and having some fun. Truly this is possibly the last thing you want to do, but you'd be amazed how much of a difference this one step can make to your prospects of getting back with the one you love.

Do not allow yourself to get depressed.For the same reason looking after your body is key.  When you take the time to do some regular exercise and eat well, you begin to feel focused, less confused and defeatist about what you're going through.  You don't have to join a gym if that's not your thing.  You simply need to find what works for you and stick to it.  It could be as simple as a regular walk or joining a sports team or simply a regular kick around with the kids.  Anything that gets you up on your feet and has the blood pumping.

Eating plenty of  fruits and  vegetables is also part of the plan.  Don't fall into the obvious trap of over indulging where food and drink are concerned.  It might make you feel consoled initially but eventually it will ruin any chance you might have to win back an ex.  So eat well and drink in moderation.

Connect all of these points and you have the beginnings of proven plan to begin the job to win back an ex.However do not jump to conclusions just because you have a plan,you still have to implement your plans to get your ex back.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Break Up Help For Those Still In Love With Their Exs

Are still in love with your ex?Sometimes a break up does not quite feel right and you find yourself  looking around for break up help?  Well now you find yourself without the person you're still in love with you either have to find help to move on or help to win them back.

If you think you should move on then the kind of break up help you're going to need depends largely on how bad the relationship  was.  If  the end it was a major drama that really and seriously took it out of you emotionally, then without a doubt you're going to need plenty of time to recover and get over the relationship.You may even need professional help.

Taking care of yourself is always key after any emotional turmoil, but in this case where you've been tossed around and you still feel that you love your ex, it is even more key.  Don't give yourself a hard time for any decisions you made that you now feel in retrospect were wrong decisions. You did the best you could with what you had, so relax and allow yourself to be human.

Make sure that the break up help you need is to look after you and not to look after your ex and what they might be going through.  You have left them behind and though you still have strong feelings for them, they are no longer your responsibility.

If you feel you need to talk to a professional to help you put the whole relationship into perspective then you should do this as soon as possible.  In a situation where you're still feeling vulnerable and emotional, the sooner you regain your composure and any eroded self-esteem the better.

If the kind of break up help you're looking for is help to get your ex back, then you need to do some of the things outlined above, but then you also have to make sure you're implementing a strategy to bring you full circle so you can make up with your ex.

So follow what's already been outlined: taking care of yourself first and foremost, talk to a professional if you feel you have to and forget about your ex for a few weeks while you recover self-esteem and direction.

After doing all these, you then make contact with your ex.  Ask for a meeting somewhere  new and different. When you meet your ex, calmly and without being overly emotional explain that you still have feelings for them.  Explain that you've had time to think and you'd like another chance to make your relationship work. Take the time to listen to your ex and hear their point of view, you don't necessarily have to agree with them, but you need to listen.

You then give them time to think and leave to wait for them to call you.  Truth is it could go either way.  Using this break up help guarantees nothing.  Just know this, you have given it your best shot so there is no need to spend endless hours beating yourself up.

I always believe it is better to take action for something that means a lot to you than to do nothing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Win Your Love Back And make things better.

Making things better will be on your mind if you want to win your love back and improve your relationship especially after a break up.If you're looking around wondering how to win your love back, then you've no doubt found yourself in a situation where you're still in love with your ex, but your ex has walked out of the relationship.

Your first step to win your love back has to be to take some time out and get your head together.  It would be a big mistake to try and win back your ex within days or a few weeks after a breakup, particularly if it has been a messy breakup.  So make sure that you take some time to sort yourself out. click on learn more ways to sort yourself out.

Your first thought should always be to look after yourself.  That means asking the hard questions to your self to learn why the break up occurred.It also means avoiding your ex and making no contact with them at all. It's not going to be easy to go from being in a relationship with your ex to making no contact with your ex, but it is vital that you do.  Contacting your ex makes you very soon after a break up makes you loo desperate and puts you in a negative and vulnerable position.  Particularly if your ex has asked to be left alone.  Constantly calling or trying to see your ex means that you become less appealing to them.  Exs hate needy and desperate, so back off if you want to win your love back.

Instead, work at sorting yourself out.  As you focus on yourself make sure that you're not spending all your time on your own.  It is very easy to find that when the love of your life walks out on you that you end up filling that space doing nothing but thinking about them.  This is a surefire way to find yourself depressed and low and recovering from depression brings a whole other level of problems that you don't need.

Get out and about and reconnect with your family and friends. Meet new people and make yourself have some fun.  Yeah, it's not going to be easy, but if it's the way forward to figuring out how to win your love back, then you have to do it.

As you slowly get back on your feet after the shock of the breakup, you should then begin to think about any role that you might have played in the breakup of the relationship.Also ask yourself if your friends played a negative or positive role in your relationship with your ex.

It is very easy to blame your ex for everything that has gone wrong, but remember, it takes two to make a relationship  work and two to break that relationship.  So during this time away from your ex as you work on figuring out how to get back with them, make sure that you are honest with yourself and that you claim any part of the breakup that is down to you. 

Did you make a mistake that caused the break down of the relationship? If you did, then you need to figure out how you're going to rectify the behavior that led to the mistake and the eventual breakup.The first step towards making up for your mistake is to admit your error to your ex.

Though some of the outlined steps might seem counter-intuitive, if you're serious about figuring out how to win your love back, they are steps that you must take.The good things about  taking these steps is that it help you and your lover make things better.

For even more tips on making things better click on this.

Friday, January 7, 2011

AreYou Wondering What to do to Get Your Ex Back

Having the one you truly love walk out on you is no fun .In fact it can be painful.Often your initial thought is “how do I get my ex back?”  Truth is most people don't have any idea what to do to get an ex back and they find themselves doing what won't work and what will only push their exs further  away or into another lover.  Well today you can find the answers to your question, “how do I get my ex back?” without making all the same old mistakes that you had made in the past.

Well first off running around town trying to see your ex and 'accidentally' bumping into them wherever you know they will be hanging out, will usually not work.It only gets your  ex more irritated.  So if that's what you're doing as you wonder “how do I get my ex back?” then it's time to change that now.

If the breakup has been a particularly rough one, then you're going to need to give both yourself and your ex some time to get over that before you even attempt to make a real move to make up with them and win them back.This is like the grief period following  a profound loss, when there is usually a desire to be left alone

Take yourself out of that breakup drama by distracting yourself and occupying yourself with other things.  This might sound like you're actually avoiding the issue of the breakup, but you cannot make sound and rational decisions if you're still emotionally red raw from what was said or done by you or your ex in the heat of the moment.

You could take a class, take a trip or get fit! Join your local gym if you cannot exercise by yourself. Anything that is going to take you out of just sitting home and fixating on your ex.  Truthfully, doing the latter is a surefire way to make the wrong decisions and lose your ex for good.

As you're taking some time out from your ex, it is a good idea to think about what went wrong and what role you played in the break down of the relationship.Please don't blame yourself for everything that went wrong or consider your self a loser.Nobody is perfect.It is not important to attribute blame, but instead it would be very useful to learn what you need to do to make sure that you know the answer to your question “how do I get my ex back?” or "how do you get your ex back?"  Because as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, if you sincerely want to find a way back with your ex, then you're going to have to come up with a reason for your ex to take you back and that means having a plan to change any 'bad' behavior that you exhibited to help cause the breakup.

It really is that simple, give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts, figure out your role in the breakup and then approach your ex.Unless you know where you are,It is difficult to know where you are going.Take time to better understand yourself.