Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to make your marriage better in the first 2 years.

How do you make your marriage better in the fist 2 years of your marriage?Most newly married couples find this period of their relationship very difficult.This is not surprising since this a time of change and new beginnings.

Part of the problem at the beginning of most marriages is that most men mistakenly believe that since  they are
traditionally or conventionally the head of the family,every decision in the house belongs to them.You know that between two adults such an idea will not fly.Your wife is an adult and even if you are the captain of the ship of your marriage,you cannot just make decisions without discussing it with your wife.

It takes a while for most men to realize that the "head cannot turn without the neck".It requires team work for married life to be most effective.It is the failure to work together that leads to most problems and complaints especially during the first two years of marriage.

Most couples want to live happily and lovingly together,but make the mistake of thinking  that  simply because they  love each other or have had a strong emotional connection ,they will have wonderful and happy married life.

I am sorry to let you know that emotional connections are not enough.You have find a way to make adjustments in your relationship if you want it to work.

To make this period less quarrelsome and much more fun and loving,both husband and and wife need to do the following;

1, Stop the power struggle

This means neither the husband nor wife should try  to prove that they have more power in their relationship,Each person is equally important.

2, Try to support  each other.

This means a husband should respect and love his wife and not just try to order her about.On other hand a wife or married  woman should   be respectful  of husband and not spend  most of  her  time criticizing her husband or telling him off. Remember,what goes around comes around.

3,Keep your differences to yourself.

Do not spend the first few months of your  marriage  telling all your relatives how terrible your husband  or wife is. The problem with this approach is that when all those  stories you put out there eventually get back to either husband or wife,none of them will be happy.Such talk will not generate more love and understanding .Cut down on such stories and give your selves  a chance to mend and be happy.

 I could share more ways with you on how to make your  marriage even better,but  first,I want  you to put some of these few tips into action and give us  feed back .

Your comments are welcome.

Happy married life.

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