Making Up

Make sure you want to make up,before you try it.

Most of us want to make our relationships better,but sometimes we have to start by making up from a break up.This is not usually easy since it may require emotional repair.This is usually difficult and time consuming.This means before you think of making up you have to be sure it is something you want to do.

To do this, first give yourself time to digest and understand what has happened.If a break up has occurred ,take time to try to understand why it happened.Unless this is done you may make the same mistake that led to the break up again.This can only be avoided if you take the time to understand yourself and your relationship patterns better.

Unless ,you do this making up with your ex will be difficult.It may simply lead to a cycle of made up and broken relationships.If your relationship with your ex or spouse was like a broken glass,we all know how difficult it can be to fix a broken glass.It is probably better not to get it broken in the first place.

This is why if you want to make up after a break up ,do your homework.Ask yourself some of these questions.What would you like your ex to do differently?What is your definition of happiness?How close do you really want to get to your ex? Is it 50% or 75%?Do you want to wait for a wile before making up?

The more you understand about yourself and relationships in general,the better position you will understand your ex,and how do either make up,make your relationships better or decide to let the relationship go.

Remember to center your relationships around your goals and happiness.

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