Sunday, December 26, 2010

location-a reason relationships end

Location can be a reason why some relationships end.This is because no many people find it difficult to keep the flame of love glowing across the Atlantic ocean.This is just an example of a long distance relationship.It doesn't have to be across the Atlantic ocean to have for location to be a factor.

Two lovers could be in the same city and be seperated by  a  prison wall.It is difficult to keep in touch when one may  be behind bars with limited access to visitors and the other person is outside struggling to make ends meet or dealing with the daily temptations that comes with freedom.Out of sight is out of mind ,unless you find ways to keep each other emotionally connected.

If you lived together with your spouse you could always find things to do together like go to the movies,go to the restaurants or even go to  theme parks with family which can help keep you emotionally connected,when you live in different parts of the country,everything becomes more challenging.You are limited to keeping in touch through phone calls ,texting or internet connections.Though these may help ,they are no substitutes for holding hands together and sharing your feelings.

I know of a friend who loved his girlfriend dearly before he traveled outside the country.Initially he called every day on the phone ,then it became weekly ,then monthly ,then when ever possible.Once I found out my friend called his beloved only 'when ever possible', I knew their relationship was in trouble.Not long after wards they broke up.

If you have a really good relationship  and one of you has to relocate on account of job demands ,I am sure you will not like to end up like my friend.Those ,who have been able to avoid the location pitfall in relationships tell me that what they did was keep in touch regularly by any means available,including phone calls and text messages.They also sent each other  surprise gifts  and took advantage of every holiday or break at work to visit each other.

They said it was a lot of hard work but in the end it made their relationship more romantic .How did they do it? Instead of allowing location to lead to the end of their relationship,they used their different locations to make things  more unpredictable and exciting,this put the spice back in their love lives.

For more ways to keep your relationship more romantic click on Questions to help couples live better where you will find more romantic ideas.

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