Friday, September 23, 2011

Tips on How To Better Manage Your Emotions For More Enjoyable Relationships

by John Adams

Without knowing it ,we end up defining our relationships by how we feel.Yet in a given day we can go through a range of emotions from happiness to sadness.from anger to joy.How can we better manage our emotions so that our relationships will be more enjoyable?

Our emotions or feelings help us to relate to ourselves and to others.This is why any change in our emotional well being can have a very serious impact in our relationships.It can very easily lead to fights and physical abuse.This is why we need to find and learn new ways to manage our emotions.

Just because your emotions feel right does not mean you have a right to scream at others.Be honest with your feelings but make sure you also tell your lover or friend how he or she makes you feel.Most of us cannot read minds.We all need both positive and negative feedback.

People are surprised when they have emotional problems in their relationships.This is because most people think that because they have married someone they deeply love,everything would be wonderful.This is a false belief.Every relationship has its beautiful moments and challenging moments.This is why it is important to make your expectations realistic.We have to learn to be patient with ourselves and others.

Magical thoughts will not suddenly make our relationships great.What will help us is finding our emotional balance.We can only maintain our emotional balance by making use of some important factors.Treat your lover or friend with respect.Respect their humanity.Remember that we do not even treat ourselves fairly,so we should not too shocked to discover that we get treated unfairly.Go with the flow.

If you treat your wife or husband with respect .you would be surprised how quickly things can warm in your relationship.If you give niceness you will get niceness back.This is not the time to tell your loved one that their feelings are wrong.Believe nobody likes to hear that and no matter correct you think you are,do not do that.Treat every feeling as significant and your relationships will begin to get better.

The important emotional balance approach is to understand the types of events that lead to emotional break downs and take steps to overcome them. Most disruptions in emotion usually start with a rise in emotional tension. Once this tension has been recognized, you need to deflect this tension build up through better communication. Sometimes this may entail changing the subject or simply keeping quiet. These steps can help you mend your marriage or relationship

One of the best ways to use emotional balance to help your relationship is to lose fights. By 'fight', I mean a quarrel between two lovers. Let your lover win that fight. Relationships are not the same as mathematics. Sometimes you win by losing. You may be surprised how simply saying "you are right "may help reduce tension and restore the emotional balance in your relationships.

Whatever tip you eventually decide to use to manage your emotions ,remember that  even your best efforts and intentions may lead to failure at the beginning. Do not be discouraged because if you do not give up, you will eventually  find yourself enjoying your relationship even more.

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