Sunday, October 31, 2010

Six important things to remember about dating girls.

It is always important to  remember that  dating is not a game. Whether you enjoy dating or find it difficult, you  have to remember that it involves dealing with emotions.Emotions are like fire,the can cook for you or burn down the house.So, much as you know that if you are ever going to find the one person who can be the love of your  life , you have to  date one way or another. So, here is some good advice for you. 

The first thing to remember is that girls are not boys.What you consider funny they may consider gross.
 They may  not think it is funny  to make noises by placing your hands over your mouth like if you just farted.It is not funny to pull off your shirt and try to lick your armpit. Even if they have had too much to drink, they don’t like this. Do not set your self up for failure.

 The second thing to remember do not think it is cool to tell stories about your previous exploits.Would you like to hear her own previous stories with the minute details?My guess is know.In that case treat  your date the respect  you would like to be treated.  They do not want to know about the  blonde  who had nothing to say but had the most amazing body ever created. Nor do they think it is awesome  to have their guy greeted by every lady  in the restaurant. Take your date to a different place just to be on the safe side and do not mention your previous relationships..

The third thing to remember is to show up on time.It is rude to keep you date waiting or fail to show at all.By being there on time ,you say with more than words to your girl that she is very important to you.Trust me every body wants to be treated with respect and dignity.No matter  what,do not be late.If you cannot help it,call ahead of time and explain.

The fourth thing to remember is that most girls would be happy to see you looking good..  They do not like to see you show up at their door in your dirty old jeans with a cheap fast food in your hand. Trust me on this one.  Maybe later – way later, like after the kids have grown up – it will be okay for this kind of slip of the mind to happen. But for now, please, guys:shave and look good ,let your date know that she means  something  to you.

The fifth thing to remember is that your girl will not be impressed with how cheap you are.  She will not  not love it when you pull out buy-one-get-one-free coupons at the restaurant cash register. There is nothing wrong with a bargain, especially in these tough economic times, but use those freebies when you go out with your dad ,if you ever do that.May be your friends will admire your smarts if you do that, but don't give your date the impression that she is not worth that much.

The sixth thing remember is that girls may not  find burping and peeing contests hilariously interesting and entertaining. Who can come up with most-silent-but-most-deadly one without any prior warning is nothing to be proud of, according to most girls.Their might be a few who will even to show can equally deadly farts. Trust me,these kind of girls are few and far between.Why would girl be interested in who can pee the longest?

Remembering the six  most important things to remember about dating girls will take you farther than anything else you could have planned when it comes to having a great time on your dates. This is because actions based on the wrong premise are bound to fail.while it is important to be natural,it is also important to give each other time to get to be together.If you are simply too gross or loud on your first date,you probably won't be getting new ones with that same girl.

“Be yourself,” is a good  advice up to an extent. If being yourself includes any of the forbidden behavior in the six  most important things to remember when dating girls list, don’t be yourself. Be better.  Remember these six  most important things about dating girls and have a great time finding the love of your life.Remember dating is not a game.

Click on the magic of relationships  to find even more ways to enjoy your relationships.

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