Sunday, April 15, 2012

Make Lemonade Out of the Lemons in Your Marriage.

Marriage is like a bed of roses, it is beautiful but it has ts thorns.You will be wise to remember that when you want to make your bed in your marriage.If you have ever tried to pick up a rose you will be cut by its thorns if you are not  careful.

Hopefully this will help you think of ways of making lemonade out of  'lemon'  marriage situations.These situations may arise out of anger, when you get called a fool or an idiot.Things could be easily as bad  during bad jokes.

Ten years ago when I went  to visit my and his friend and his wife , a  marriage lemon moment occurred. My friend despite his better judgement and his love for his wife, called  his wife a cow.There was  more to come.He  even went as far as calling all women cows.To my surprise ,Rubena my friend's wife,who is usually very outspoken said nothing.

After a few minutes ,my friend ,Johnson asked Rubena for directions to their new  church.Rubena answered  "moo". More questions and attempts at conversation were met with more "moos".I could see Johnson  becoming embarrassed.Needless to say ,he  got massage.He quickly apologized to his wife and told her all women were not cows.He called his wife,his princess.

You can see that Rubena handled the situation very well.She turned a lemon into a lemonade with.out arguing or shouting.She simply went with the flow and turned the table on her husband.She played the cow and Johnson didn't like it.

Anyone can do this.You can make lemonade out of  'lemon' situations in your marriage.If you haven't had lemon situations in your marriage,you have not been married long enough.

Make your relationships better and have a happy married life.

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