Monday, December 20, 2010

How Finances can Affect your Relationships

Everybody says that money cannot buy happiness but we also know that it cannot buy sadness either.Of course how we relate to money can lead to either sadness or joy in our relationships.

However if you are in a relationship  where money is so tight, that the ability to buy food daily is a hassle then be prepared to deal with a lot of arguments and frustrations due to increased emotional tension .This situation is made worse by one  spouse working and the other not working or spending a lot of time just watching TV.

If the working spouse is convinced that the other person is not doing all she or he can to make things better,then the dimension of trust becomes part of relationship equation.This is usually dangerous.No relationship can survive for along time without trust.Mistrust will lead  to a tendency to double check everything your spouse does.This  will ultimately lead to a loss of intimacy.

If you think about it ,this is not really surprising .Are you prepared to hug a person you do not trust?I would probably hug such a person reluctantly.But I am sure,I shall not be giving that person a deep warm hug.This is because it is difficult open your heart to some one you do not trust.Once this happens the emotional disruption that follows will lead to more cycles of anger and  heated arguments.

This is just one of the ways poor finances can affect your relationship.The funny thing though is that even in relationships with  adequate  finances, how the money is spent can still lead to problems.In this case one spouse,may either feel that he or she is not involved in the decision making process or not allowed enough autonomy to make financial decisions.Either thought process will result in resentment which can very easily to open confrontations.

It is easy to see that finances one way or another can affect the relationships of both the rich and the poor.However ,the key to reducing emotional tension related to financial issues is to be more open with your thoughts,plans,expectations and worries.This  will help foster greater understanding and love in your relationships.

Visit The relationship mending system to find out even more ways to revive and enjoy your relationships.

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