Monday, December 20, 2010

Imperfections-reasons men leave their families

One of the reasons men leave their families is that they are constantly reminded of their imperfections and failure.Can you imagine ,how you would feel if every time you shared an idea with your spouse ,it was shot down as one more stupid idea from you.

This is followed by a tirade on  your imperfections and how marrying you has been  one of the worst decisions of their lives.Do not even try to explain that .Every attempt at trying to explain is seen as an exercise in excuse making.If this continues for a sustained period of time ,there is one way for the relationship to go.It will without doubt go South.

Most men do not have the psychological skill to know that sometimes those imperfection- based attacks are a sign of hunger for emotional engagement between spouses and react immediately to such tirades with an attack of their own.This is because most men believe that an attack is the best form of  defence.

This kind of thinking prevents couples from finding out the underlying emotional and communications problems which can only be resolved by a more open discussion.

Visit The relationship mending system to find out even more ways to revive and enjoy your relationships.

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