Friday, December 20, 2013

Making your dream of happiness true in your marriage

Making your dream of happiness true in your marriage is possible if you are prepared to pass through your refiner's fire.You have to remember that marriage is that institution through which your spouse will remind you of your failed promises when you begin to make new ones.

This can be painful, if you get this type of response each time you want to share your plans, dreams and aspirations with your spouse. However, you have to remember that nothing happens in a vacuum. If you want to be honest with yourself, you have to remember that people can be skeptical when you share your plans, if you have failed to make your past dreams and aspirations, a reality.

Instead of getting mad at those who love you, incubate your dreams. This means that before you start feeling hurt, use the fire of criticism, to burn the impurities in your inadequacies, to transform your iron into by  This is the only way to make your dream of happiness true in your marriage.

How can love conquer everything when we cannot even have honest conversations among ourselves?Why should a man get mad if his wife reminds him that getting to the next level requires action? We all want to be supported but unless we are prepared to incubate our plans first, we shall continue to run into problems.

Remember, only God loves your effort, every other person judges by your results. Explanations, explain nothing.We all have broken spirits that needs mending. With an honest and loving spouse, we can begin again and again, everyday.

Love honestly

Love without remorse

Love truthfully

Love with compassion

Remember that love can be painful.