Friday, December 20, 2013

Making your dream of happiness true in your marriage

Making your dream of happiness true in your marriage is possible if you are prepared to pass through your refiner's fire.You have to remember that marriage is that institution through which your spouse will remind you of your failed promises when you begin to make new ones.

This can be painful, if you get this type of response each time you want to share your plans, dreams and aspirations with your spouse. However, you have to remember that nothing happens in a vacuum. If you want to be honest with yourself, you have to remember that people can be skeptical when you share your plans, if you have failed to make your past dreams and aspirations, a reality.

Instead of getting mad at those who love you, incubate your dreams. This means that before you start feeling hurt, use the fire of criticism, to burn the impurities in your inadequacies, to transform your iron into by  This is the only way to make your dream of happiness true in your marriage.

How can love conquer everything when we cannot even have honest conversations among ourselves?Why should a man get mad if his wife reminds him that getting to the next level requires action? We all want to be supported but unless we are prepared to incubate our plans first, we shall continue to run into problems.

Remember, only God loves your effort, every other person judges by your results. Explanations, explain nothing.We all have broken spirits that needs mending. With an honest and loving spouse, we can begin again and again, everyday.

Love honestly

Love without remorse

Love truthfully

Love with compassion

Remember that love can be painful.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A married man is a fool

A married man is a fool who is only one mistake from being told what his wife really thinks of him. Everything is his fault. If the car breaks down, it is his fault. He didn't service on time or he made a mistake while getting the car serviced.

On the other hand, he should have bought a new car, if he was not such a foolish husband.After all , all the other good husbands, have already bought new cars for their wives.Instead, a fool like you continues to promise and fail. Tomorrow.Tomorrow.

Unfortunately. everyday is a new tomorrow and you continue to disgrace yourself and your family. You are late for everything. You are selfish, stupid, idiotic, toxic, proud, ignorant,stupid again, foolish again and poisonous.

Your family is foolish so it makes sense that you grew up foolish because your mum never trained you well. This is why you ended up a fool. A lazy man who offers nothing but his ignorance to his wife and family. may your children never become like you.

You are always wrong though you never admit it, Unlike other good men, you never help out at home. You never participate in other social activities, you selfishly only always think of yourself. You just sit there while I do everything for the family. You are nothing but a married fool.

May your children, never become like you. My your daughters marry better husbands. May your sons become better husbands.The only thing you bring to your family is pain and suffering. You are incompetent and the only way to describe is that everything about you is bad.

Is there anything positive about you? No. Marrying you was a mistake. The biggest mistake of my life!! Stop acting as if you are worth anything because you are nothing, zero, nada!!! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It takes two to play the game

A relationship can be like a game of ping-pong or table tennis. It takes two to play the game. The more committed the two players are to the game the better it becomes. Commitment in the game will require regular effort and practice. The game does not become better simply because one likes the game a lot.

If one person talks and gets no feed back. The person feels bad and feels unappreciated. That person is less likely to begin a conversation next time. This is one of the reasons why it is important that men listen to their wives and talk with them on a regular basis. This way feelings will be known and areas of concern or unhappiness can be found out early.

Finding out problem areas early in relationship is like discovering each person's weaknesses in a game. this gives each player areas to work on. Improvement will require practice. This usually costs time and money. To get better both players simply have to put in the time to make their relationships better. It takes two to play the game better.

If only one person is interested in making the game better or making the relationship better, prospects for success becomes reduced. This is because after a while one person will find it difficult to continue to practice with a player who does not like working on his or her game. Similarly, after a while a friend or a partner will get tired of talking to someone who does not listen or who claims to listen but continues to behave the same way over and over again.

It really takes two to play the game better.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Infidelity:A reason why some mess up or leave their families

I do not know the full psychological explanation for infidelity,but  it is almost as if  men have a need to prove in their middle age they are still sexy by showing that pretty young girls still find them appealing.As a result of this attraction to much younger girls,older men abandon their wives with whom they have raised their kids for these young beauties.It is almost like a trophy to male virility.It is a way of saying "I still have it after all these years".

By pretty young girls, I mean girls above 18 years of age being sought after by men in their forties(40s) and fifties(50s). Whatever happened to good win getting better with time. Since infidelity is related to the sexual drive, it is a passion that is difficult for most people to overcome. This is why it is good to avoid occasions of temptation. Find fun things to do with your wife and leave other women alone. Older men need to remember that such girls are simply there for the money.

The sad part is that in addition to using the excuse of tapping into the fountain of youth by marrying such girls,some  men go as far as making disparaging remarks about their wives as being too old and  not quite as attractive as before.This their way of justifying  their infidelity and then conveniently forgetting  that every body is getting older.They see signs of old age in their wives and generously over look their bald heads and sagging bellies.

Men who think like this,are probably not deserving of their wives to start with and only use age as an excuse for finally leaving their families.Their underlying problem is their inability to manage their own mid-life crisis and the reality of their own mortality.One of the ways they try to deal with such fears and insecurities is to declare themselves young at heart ,with marriage to younger girls as proof that they are young since young people still find them attractive.

This type of a situation is very challenging for any couple that wants to make their relationship better. However, most of this type of problem took years to build up, so it will not simply go away . If both parties are still interested in  making their relationships better, then first step will be for husband and wife to have an  honest conversation about where they are in their relationship and what they can do to make things better.

Avoiding the blame game would help a lot.It is also important to remember that talking and sharing is the key to better relationships .